Tuesday, August 14, 2007

CookieInjector, part 3

I've got a first cut of an end-to-end CookieInjector session - check out a sample video below, where I log in to Gmail and Quest (my university's student management system). When logging in to Gmail, I actually log in twice, to demonstrate that separate sessions are being created.

Note that the Cookie Jar claim value holds all the cookies needed to log in, but the display value is simply a hash of the cookies. It's basically a placebo for the user so they know that something happened.

When logging in to Quest, I skip the preview/retrieve steps and do a one-click log in.

This demo should illustrate the concrete improvements that CookieInjector and CardSpace give us:

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consistent UI?

Like, that comes in handy when you're out of work, eh?

Let me guess, "user interface"?

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