Monday, November 07, 2005


Ok, so the good folks at RentACoder proudly and frequently reiterate that they have over 121,000 coders at the beck-and-call of any good capitalist with a Visa.

Yet, if you look closely at their coder rankings page, you will discover that they only have 9,543 coders who have successfully completed jobs. A third of this number, about 3,300 or so, is the number of coders who have, on the whole, absolutely botched their average job (see here).

So what are we really left with?

12,800 (10.6%) coders who completed work
...of these, 25.8% botched the job
108,200 (89.4%) coders who have never actually coded

Certainly not the impression a prospective buyer might get from RAC's website, eh? That's good marketing!

New resource on the subject: Outsourcing Through Rentacoder. Shows *how* to outsource through the site before making mistakes via trial and error.
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