Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Podcasting: Stop it.

Do you ever get the feeling that some things are done just because they're "cool"? There's no value in them but for the fact that they were done in the cool way. The medium is the message and all that.

Example: Today's techies are all about "podcasts", recorded audio feeds that people can download and listen to. (Presumably on their iPods.)

The RadRails project loves podcasts.

The RadRails project really shouldn't: they alread suck because they use other's free components to create their product, without appropriate attribution. This is a big no-no in the techie world. As one disgruntled contributor has mentioned, they need to "share the love". (He mentioned this in written form, not in obnoxious audio form).

The RadRails project really, really shouldn't because they can't even focus their podcasts. Whenever they release an update to their project, they write 2-3 lines in their blog, and then spend *30 surreal minutes* yammering in a podcast about life, the universe and everything. This means suffering through 30 minutes of crap about their trip to the fast food restaurant, 30 minutes of crap about how they're all tired, and maybe 1 minute of good, lucid discussion about their actual progress.

How narcissistic need you be to think we give a shit? Use text.

Text is indexable. Use text. Text is skimmable. Use text. Text encourages you to read, re-read, and re-write. Use text. And in text, I don't have to listen to three of you fighting over a goddamned microphone. Use text.

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