Thursday, August 04, 2005

Oh the hypocrisy.

Google this.

The first hit is my SE 240 Algorithms course; the second is an Algorithms course offered at a Danish university.

From the SE 240 written assignment guidelines:
Acknowledge your sources. If you used books or other materials to help you in your solutions, list them. In case you find the whole solution somewhere, you must explain the solution in your own words, making it clear that you understand it, and you must acknowledge your source.

From the UW Policy 71, plagiarism, as defined below, is an academic offense.
Plagiarism, which is the act of presenting the ideas, words or other intellectual property of another as one's own.

Now perhaps these lectures are simply re-used with permission. Or, perhaps both professors are re-using the textbook's instructor's material. But allow me to dissect these two cases:
  1. Re-used with permission from Danish professor

    Lose, she should have cited he was the original source.

  2. Re-using textbook instructor's material

    Lose, she would be in contradiction of the publisher's requirement that instructors not publish solutions to the book's exercises.

I mean, what is this crap? Professors can crib all they want, but students can't?

This is what $700 per course buys an Engineering student at the University of Waterloo?

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