Monday, August 29, 2005

LayeredTech, KVMs, etc

So it's been about two weeks since we switched the OARBS corporate and service websites over to LayeredTech hosting.

My opinion: Great technical service, bad support service.

The connection is impeccable: low latency in North America and consistently uncongested bandwidth.

The support leaves something to be desired. During system set up, LT blew a service commitment of deploying a KVM-over-IP system within 2 hours. How badly did they blow it? From the time my request was made to the time they set up the KVM, 52 hours passed. Not only this, but LayeredTech seemed to forget I even existed. Here's a timeline of events:

0 hours: I request KVM ($30 rental fee applies).
6 hours: LT tells me KVM is being deployed.
8 hours: I poke LT to ask for an update.
19 hours: I poke LT again.
22 hours: I poke LT again.
25 hours: I poke LT again.
50 hours: I open a new ticket and ask them to check into the situation.
50 hours: LT is "looking into the matter".
52 hours: LT deploys the KVM.

Not very professional. I am reassured (I guess?) that LT was responsive once I opened a new ticket - but why did they slip up in the first place? Why did they not respond to repeated inquiries on existing tickets?

If this teaches me anything, it's that the way to get action is to create new tickets. This seems counterproductive. Ah, well...

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