Wednesday, June 22, 2005

SoftEng at UWaterloo

As narrated by Daniel Marantz, on the topic of a vicious SE 240 assignment due that day at 6PM, and whose due date had already had 2 extensions applied to it:

I peel out of the driveway at 5:57 and start racing to school. I'm tailgating some jackass who won't drive faster, and some crazy woman is tailgating me.

I pull up to the service entrance to the MC [Math and Computer building - where the assignment is due] and double park a vehicle. The crazy woman triple parks that vehicle by double parking me -- turns out it's Andrew Scherkus from our class, with really long hair.

We head up to the drop boxes and have to fight through a crowd of about 15 people who are blocking the dropboxes from sight and trading answers as fast as possible. You can't help but get the feeling they've chloroformed the TA and tucked him in a closet just so they can finish their assignment.

Ah, SoftEng. They said our work habits would improve; they lied.

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